For no apparent reason whatsoever I just decided to type "open source database" (without the quotes) into Google to see what I would get.

To my incredible surprise Apache Derby didn't even make the top 20 pages of the results. There were a lot of other databases that I've never heard of before, a reference to Sun's Java DB on page two, and a reference to "Derby" on a Cloudscape site on page five. But that was it. I didn't bother looking beyond the first 20 pages.

I then went to the Apache Derby homepage ( and did a text search for "open". Of all the pages that are "tabbed" at the top of the home page (Home, Quick Start, Download, Community, Documentation, Resources) only two had the phrase "open source" on them--and one of those was actually part of DOTS ("Database Open Source Test Suite").

This doesn't necessarily mean anything, but it was so unexpected (to me anyways) that I thought I'd mention it.

Feel free to ignore.

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