On 15.02.2012 18:09, Katherine Marsden wrote:
On 2/15/2012 8:45 AM, Bergquist, Brett wrote:
< snip>

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

I have not personally encountered the GC overhead limit, but google search indicates it is related to the amount of time spent on garbage collection ("too much") and can be overridden.

I've seen this several times and for practical purposes I have always considered this the same as "Java heap space": for whatever reason you're trying to put more stuff on the heap than what can fit there.

< snip>

The server is a Oracle M3000 and the Derby engine heap is setup to be 8Gb.

For a heap out of memory, I have seen occasional cases where Derby's estimate of whether it can sort in memory is wrong. You'd need to look at the plan and do some debugging with the actual query if you are able to reproduce to find out if that is the case here.

Not sure, but the code in impl/store/access/sort/MergeInserter may be relevant and a good starting point.

If you're debugging this, it may be useful to specify -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError (and possibly |-XX:HeapDumpPath=/your/dump/path).


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