Le 21 sept. 05, à 15:46, Øystein Grøvlen a écrit :

"XV" == Xavier Vigouroux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    XV> hi,
    XV> I used to spawn a networkserver that I access through JDBC.
    XV> I have to change my design to a Embedded Server.

XV> I have now a PriviledgeActionException (on client side) when "opening
    XV> socket to" the server

    XV> do you have any clue?

Are you starting the network server by setting the
derby.drda.startNetworkServer property in the embedded server?

Are the client running on another computer than the server?  If yes,
you need to enable connection from other computers.  This is disabled
by default for security reasons.  You can open for connections from
other computers by setting the property "derby.drda.host=".


that's it. :-? I forgot this point among the different properties.



Xavier VIGOUROUX - sun microsystems

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