
I can't start the derby server outside of Eclipse properly.

Using the startNetworkServer command, I get this error:

ij> select * from links;
ERROR 42Y07: Schema 'AMICHAIL' does not exist

But using the corresponding menu item in Eclipse works fine.

Any hints on how to fix this?


On 12/27/06, Daniel Jue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here's what I did:

Have the db data live in a separate directory, totally outside of the
Tomcat deployment dir.  Just make sure that whatever service you are
running Tomcat as has access to that dir.  The derby libarary jars
should live either in Tomcat Shared libs or in your application's

For my dev and prod servers, I have the db living in a similar place.
The location string (the path) is stored as a variable that is
substituted at runtime.

Dan Jue

On 12/27/06, Amir Michail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm building a gwt app using derby db under eclipse.
> I'm looking for simple step-by-step instructions for deploying this
> app via tomcat.
> So far, I have managed to deploy the gwt app via tomcat excluding derby db.
> Amir

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