Ross Burton wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-08-19 at 11:23 -0400, Jamie McCracken wrote:
>> i also think there is some mileage in using couchdb as the primary store
>> and just have tracker index that. one of the strengths of couchdb is its
>> mvcc architecture which means its completely corruption proof as updates
>> are always appended to the db and therefore cannot cause corruption of
>> existing data. that in itself makes it an excellent storage medium and
>> with all querying left to tracker and sqlite you can get the best of
>> both
> As couchdb only appends, would it be trivial to layer CouchDB on top of
> a VCS such as Monotone to get historical data for free?  I can't think
> of any use-cases for this straight away but I'm sure someone can.

That's starting to sound a lot like Wizbit [1], right? I've kinda given
up on that particular pipe of crack ;) .. at least for now..



> Ross
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