On 15/01/2019 10:48, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> On Tue, 2018-12-11 at 14:22 +0100, Carlos Soriano wrote:
>> Hey,
>> It has been a few months since we moved to GitLab. Apart of spurious
>> issues, specific annoyances and frustrations, seems it has been
>> generally good. I would like to gather some general feeling about it.
>> Things that really made a constant impact to you and your work, both
>> bad or good. Feel free to provide feedback about the transition or
>> the administration of GitLab instance too. Free form.
>> Please keep the mail chain one way from you towards the world, so we
>> don't get trapped on specifics, we can address stuff raised here
>> individually out of list. Personally, I'll ping you on IRC or so if I
>> can do something to help.
>> Of course, feel free to msg me directly on IRC/email too.
> My main problem is/was that contributing by pushing a branch is super-
> easy, but you can't contribute by pushing a branch if you're not
> allowed to push a branch. So this isn't a problem when you're in
> @GNOME, and the project is as well, but I've not bothered pushing small
> fixes to non-GNOME group modules.

It should still be easy to fork the project, push a branch to your namespace,
and then submit a MR. Or did I misunderstand?

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