On 2019-03-25 7:19 a.m., Emmanuele Bassi via desktop-devel-list wrote:
Which would achieve nothing except, once again, shoving icons and menus into one of the most important pieces of screen real estate we have just because some application developers simply cannot live without their application icons being visible at all times.

Is that a joke? On a default gnome install on any modern screen, only about 25% of the top bar contains any information at all. It can't be "the most important real estate" and be so underutilized. Same reasoning why it is rare to have a park in the middle of downtown.

That said, notification icons are literally the most useful information points for the many applications I have running in the background. So they deserve prominent placement.

You think "application developers simply cannot live without their application icons being visible at all times"? That's why Windows lets you hide them. Problem solved. Like, since XP in 2001.

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