On 13 Jan 2006, at 06:39, Dave Colasurdo wrote:
I'm wondering what claims *Geronimo v1* can make concerning JMS clustering. I do see that ActiveMQ makes quite a few claims around clustering though am wondering exactly which capabilities are leveraged/relevant to Geronimo v1?

Clustering/failover of message brokers?
If so, where is this setup and where is the failover decision making done?

Queue Consumer Clusters?

Message Failover?


Do the messaging applications require any awareness of the clustered environment or is it transparent?

Has anyone tested any of these scenarios using Geronimo v1?  :)

ActiveMQ has all of those features; they are all done by the ActiveMQ broker.

Unfortunately right now the integration of ActiveMQ into Geronimo is done via a few really basic GBeans which don't have the capability to configure all the clustering & failover options in ActiveMQ broker. Today the simplest option is just to run the ActiveMQ broker outside of Geronimo and just use the JMS client / JMS Resource Adapter / RAR inside Geronimo. However as we integrate the latest 4.x of ActiveMQ into Geronimo we hope to address this to make things fully configurable from inside Geronimo


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