Graham Dumpleton wrote:
Now I know the above problem is something specific to mod_python and
nothing to do with the core of Apache, but in investigating this, am
starting to question whether what the function ap_internal_fast_redirect()
is doing is even sensible in some parts anyway. Specifically, it does:

    r->headers_out = apr_table_overlay(r->pool, rr->headers_out,
    r->err_headers_out = apr_table_overlay(r->pool, rr->err_headers_out,
    r->subprocess_env = apr_table_overlay(r->pool, rr->subprocess_env,

In this code "r" is the main request_rec and "rr" is that for the sub
request which matched actual file in DirectoryIndex directive file list.
{'no-etag': '', 'mod_userdir_user': 'grahamd', 'python_init_ran': '1', 'ap-mime-exceptions-list': 'œ\', 'mod_userdir_user': 'grahamd'}

I agree, and believe, that this is a bug in the core, not in mod_python.

I believe changing the all of they apr_table_overlay calls mentioned above to apr_table_overlap would fix the problem. Thoughts?


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