On Sunday 09 December 2007 01:28:09 pm Nelson Bolyard wrote:
> Brad Hards wrote, On 2007-12-07 18:09:
> > [I've] found Chapter 3 of the OpenSSL book from OReilly to be quite OK.
> There are a lot of "cookbook" books that might be entitled "how to set
> up a home brew CA using OpenSSL".  I didn't want a book that was focused
> on any particular implementation.
There is a bit of theory as well, but your point is well makde
> > That book recommends "Planning for PK: Best Practices Guide for Deploying
> > Public Key Infrastructure" by Russ Housley and Tim Polk. I've never even
> > seen a copy.
> Amazon has the entire text of this book online. (Strangely, a search by
> title didn't find it, but an author search did.)
Probably because there is a typo in the title (Planning for PKI:, not Planning 
for PK). Sorry about that.

> It had more depth on cert extensions than any others I browsed, but not
> as much as I had hoped.  I'm not optimistic that a QA developer can
> develop positive and negative test cases for explicit policy constraints
> after reading it. (:-)  But if it cuts the teaching time even by half,
> that will have been a big help.
You know, you should have told us more about the target audience...
Maybe: http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/crypto_apps_infra/pki/pkitesting.html 
(not the site, but the various tests and documents linked off it)
will be of some use after they get through the intro stuff.

> Oh, I wasn't looking for any cynicism from "down under". :-)
No extra charge :-)


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