Subrata Mazumdar wrote:
is there any way I can find the certificate associated with a public key using
the SubjectPublicKeyInfo (CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo)?

I am looking for public API and not too low level.
I looked in the .../nss/certdb/cert.h and .../nss/pk11wrap/pk11pub.h files - couldn't find anything appropriate.

Also, is there anyway I can find the private key using info in SubjectPublicKeyInfo if the related private key exists in the key DB? If I can find the private key then I can use PK11_GetCertFromPrivateKey() method to find the related cert.

Sigh, Certificates are indexed by public key (which is what's in a SPKI structure), at least not directly.

Private Keys have a potential index (the CKA_ID value is often a hash of a unique compenent of the public key), but that's not guarrenteed.

Probably the best what is to use PK11_TraverseSlotCerts and compare the cert's SPKI with your SPKI. Not really the best way if you need to do this a lot.

You could also use PK11_ListCerts, looking for just the user certs, which should give you a smaller list than PK11_TraverseSlotCerts.


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