At 9:42 AM -0700 10/24/08, Robert Relyea wrote:
>Paul Hoffman wrote:
>>Robert: you are already in that business by distributing trust anchors that 
>>you have (sometimes) vetted. You are a CA without signing anything, just by 
>>distributing a trust anchor repository.
>Yes, but by doing so we aren't in the business of keeping secret data.

<sigh> Excellent point.

>Going to to the cross cert idea has lots of appeal to me, but the biggest down 
>side is Mozilla would need to protect a private key to at least the level CA's 
>in our list protect their root keys.

<sigh>^2 The same would be true if you ran a trust anchor management protocol, 
which requires the manager to have a keypair for the service.

>That takes on a much bigger operational burden than mozilla currently has, and 
>bigger than mozilla has to date been willing to take on.

Understood. And probably right.

--Paul Hoffman
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