At 3:25 PM +0200 10/24/08, Ian G wrote:
>Robert Relyea wrote:
> > The problem with this idea is that mozilla probably does not want to be
>> in the CA business. The overhead of creating a mozilla root key in a
>> safe and secure manner is quite involved (and more than doing a key gen
> > on a smart card).
>Yes, I see that.  To which I'd add, my feeling of the PKIX-layer
>solution is equally non-confident:  adding root-revocation
>capability is likely to be a mess.

Robert: you are already in that business by distributing trust anchors that you 
have (sometimes) vetted. You are a CA without signing anything, just by 
distributing a trust anchor repository.

Ian: it is mess today, particularly with the issues of deciding which trust 
anchors can vouch for which sites and services. A trust anchor management 
protocol is probably a bit more of a mess because it is a protocol and not just 
a seat-of-the-pants management task as it is today, but it is also hopefully 
less of a mess because it can be done outside of the software update cycle.

--Paul Hoffman
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