Robert Relyea wrote:
NZzi wrote:

hi all:

I want to use private key to encrypt a message,
and decrypt with public key.
Are you encrypting data or a symmetric Key?
Most of the nss code that does these operations does so on actual symetric keys (which are then used to do additional encryption/decryption/macing). In that case they are using the PK11_PubWrapSymKey() and PK11_PubUnwrapSymKey().


i find PK11_PubEncryptPKCS1() in mailing list
discussion, which seems to do the padding. But
i want to use private key to encrypt, not
public key. And what's more, there are not any
doc or example codes to show PK11_PubEncryptPKCS1()
OK, so here's a question, what is it you are trying to do? Encrypting with the private key is really called 'Signing'. The equivalent function is PK11_Sign. If you are doing key distribution, or you are trying to pass secret data to someone else you want to encrypt with the public key, so only the person with the private key can decrypt it. Encrypting with the private key, in this case, will allow anyone to read the result by 'decrypting' with the public key.

In the sign case, you don't care about secrecy, you want to 'prove' you hold the private key. In that case you 'encrypt' data with that private key. I know you have the private key because I get the correct data back when I 'decrypt' with the public key. This recovery process is a verification, so it's called PK11_Verify, except you are looking for the actual data to recover, not to verify that the data matches. This operation is *VERY* RSA specific. No other signing/verification method uses it. In that case you need to call the special function PK11_VerifyRecover. These names match their PKCS #11 equivalents in the PKCS #11 spec.

An important note about this. NSS allows this. There are cases where you do need to use PK11_VerifyRecover rather than PK11_Verify, or more specificially, the high level SGN_ and VFY_ functions. HOWEVER, there should be warning signs in your head if you have to resort to these cases. First, you will likely be generating signatures that no one else will be able to validate (All toolkits know how to deal with an RSA signature with PKCS #1 padding *AND* properly ASN1 wrapped digests - even better wrapped as an ASN1 signing wrapper). Second, you are tying your application strongly to RSA. The world of crypto is littered with the dead bodies of once strong algorithms which have fallen to the increasingly sophisticated attacks of the cryptanalyst. RSA is still strong today (albeit weaker than when I first started working in crypto), but that may not stay forever. Tying yourself to a specific algorithm is not a good idea.

All that being said the mapping of high level/crypto operation names to low level RSA operations is as follows:

Encrypt with public Key (PKCS #1 padding): PK11_PubEncryptPKCS1()
Decrypt with private Key (PKCS #1 padding): PK11_PrivDecryptPKCS1()
Encrypt with private Key (PKCS #1 padding): PK11_Sign() (use mechanism CKM_RSA_PKCS1) Decrypt with public Key (PKCS #1 padding): PK11_VerifyRecover() (use mechanism CKM_RSA_PKCS1)

I'm sorry for my nonsense words, i'm mad about using nss in my code
last night.

I just want to use private key to encrypt a message(>key modulus len),
and recover/decrypt the message using public key, without caring
about anything about padding PKCS#1/PKCS#11. I only know little
about cryptography.

following is my test code:


#define BASE64_ENCODED_PRIVATEKEYINFO "MIIBVQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAT8wggE7AgEAAkEAvcXpMhzckRiy6Cj5rZ89Tdb4Sm/8V4hfbUMLzpZiekW1biysW3Pag1TPItTMMdl1v6T//x1xPcgA7NRSLdHZ4wIDAQABAkEAjh8+4qncwcmGivnM6ytbpQT+k/jEOeXG2bQhjojvnXN3FazGCEFXvpuIBcJVfaIJS9YBCMOzzrAtO0+k2hWnOQIhAOC4NVbo8FQhZS4yXM1M86kMl47FA9ui//OUfbhlAdw1AiEA2DBmIXnsboKB+OHver69p0gNeWlvcJc9bjDVfdLVsLcCIQCPtV3vGYJv2vdwxqZQaHC+YB4gIGAqOqBCbmjD3lyFLQIgA+VTYdUNoqwtZWvE4gRf7IzK2V5CCNhg3gR5RGwxN58CIGCcafoRrUKsM66ISg0ITI04G9V/w+wMx91wjEEB+QBz"

rv = NSS_NoDB_Init(".");
slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
ATOB_ConvertAsciiToItem(&der, pubkstr)
spki = SECKEY_DecodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo(&der);
SECITEM_FreeItem(&der, PR_FALSE);
pubkey = SECKEY_ExtractPublicKey(spki);
SECItem nickname, pvt_der;
nickname.type = siBuffer; = "pvtkeynickname";
nickname.len = strlen("pvtkeynickname");
ATOB_ConvertAsciiToItem(&pvt_der, pvtkstr)
PK11_ImportDERPrivateKeyInfoAndReturnKey(slot, &pvt_der, NULL,
                        NULL, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE, KU_ALL, &pvtkey, NULL);
SECItem encdata;
encdata.len = PK11_SignatureLen(pvtkey); = (char *)calloc(encdata.len, sizeof(char));

SECItem plain_data;
char testdata[1024];
int i;
        testdata[i] = 'a';
plain_data.len = TESTLEN; = testdata;

if(PK11_Sign(pvtkey, &encdata, &plain_data) != SECSuccess){

SECItem decdata;
decdata.len = SECKEY_PublicKeyStrength(pubkey); = (char *)calloc(decdata.len, sizeof(char));

                        NULL) != SECSuccess){

fprintf(stdout, "decrypted and recovered data: %s \n",;

now the test code failed in PK11_Sign() with 8192 error,
and as i have said error code description about this errno is

I also split the plain_data into subtoken, whose length is < modulus len,
but had the error too.

I try to use PK11_PubEncryptRaw(), which can encrypt the plain_data smoothly,
but i don't want to do any padding thing, so i also try to use
PK11_PubEncryptPKCS1() in above codes, and also got same error(8192)

Note: for PKCS #1 specifies different padding rules for Sign/Verify versus Encrypt/Decrypt. For the former the padding character is a constant (I think ff, but I'd have to check to be sure), while the latter pads with random non-zero data. Also Note: A full PKCS #1 RSA signature is not only PKCS #1 padded, but also wraps the digest which it is signing with a DER wrapper which includes the OID value of the hash used to generate the digest. PK11_Sign does not add this wrapping on it's own, and PK11_VerifyRecover does not strip it.


can anyone give me some examples or hints? thanks
in advance

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