On 2010-10-22 11:35 PDT, Wan-Teh Chang wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 3:53 PM, Nelson B Bolyard <nel...@bolyard.me> wrote:
>> I'd say the interfaces to those functions (more precisely, their
>> signatures) are quite frozen.  The mp_int bignum package API is so
>> frozen as to have become something of a standard of its own.  There
>> are now at least 3 different implementations known to me that are all
>> API compatible, differing only in the content of the (opaque) mp_int
>> structure itself.
>> Speaking only for myself, I have no objection to offering the mp_int
>> bignum API as a "public" API out of freebl3.  They're not presently
>> exported from the freebl shared lib at all, but IMO, they could be.
>> We merely wanted to minimize the exported API.
> We also need to undo some processor-version-specific type definitions.
> An example is the mp_digit type for 64-bit Solaris SPARC.  mp_digit
> is defined differently for different versions of the SPARC v9a processors:
> http://bonsai.mozilla.org/cvsblame.cgi?file=mozilla/security/nss/lib/freebl/Makefile&rev=1.115&mark=420-432#420

Hmm.  The mp_int struct itself should be opaque in a public definition.
So there shuold be no need to change the machine-dependent definitions
of the contents of that struct (including the array to which it points).
But I know that mp_digit is also used for types in the function
signatures, and that IS an issue...

I think this says that the task is feasible but requires more time to
think about all its implications.
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