On 2011-06-28 7:45 AM, Zack Weinberg wrote:
On 2011-06-28 4:00 AM, Kai Engert wrote:
Hi Ralph,

if you have resources to work on this or to coordinate this, please go
ahead. I haven't yet. If I should, I would contact you to coordinate.

Regarding traceroute, you could look at the existing WorldIP Add-On,
which claims to support it, and potentially copy that code, under the
assumption the MITM Add-On uses the MPL license.

I tried to do something like this as a Test Pilot study. The brick
wall I ran into was that, if a MITM is detected, you really want to
know the globally routable IP block that the client was using. But
the only way to know that is to phone a server that will tell you.
I tried to get Mozilla to host such a server and didn't get anywhere.
I don't think I was even talking to the right people.

(I meant to add: maybe WorldIP solves this problem somehow?)

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