On Aug 7, 2014, at 9:47 AM, Rob Stradling <rob.stradl...@comodo.com> wrote:

> http://dev.chromium.org/Home/chromium-security/crlsets says:
> "The limit of the CRLSet size is 250KB"
> Have Mozilla decided what the maximum OneCRL size will be?

No, we haven't.  

The need for a limit largely depends on whether we cover EE certificates.  If 
we cover only intermediate CAs, of which there are roughly 1,800, then there is 
no size issue -- we can include the full SHA-256 digest of every CA certificate 
and only come to around 56KB.  (Or just use a 1800-bit bitmap!)

If we choose to cover EE certificates (as CRLSets do), then we will have to 
impose a size limit.  In some initial experiments in representing CRLs with 
Golomb compressed encoding, we've been able to get down to roughly N bits per 
entry for 2^-N false positive rate.  Since we'll still have OCSP as a 
fall-back, we can tolerate a high failure rate, maybe as high as 0.5% (2^-9).  
At that rate, a 250KB limit would fit around 220,000 CRL entries.  So we would 
need to do some experimentation to see how that capacity compares to the size 
of CRLs in the wild.


> On 01/08/14 03:07, Richard Barnes wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> We in the Mozilla PKI team have been discussing ways to improve revocation 
>> checking in our PKI stack, consolidating a bunch of ideas from earlier work 
>> [1][2] and some maybe-new-ish ideas.  I've just pressed "save" on a new wiki 
>> page with our initial plan:
>> https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA:RevocationPlan
>> It would be really helpful if people could review and provide feedback on 
>> this plan.
>> There's one major open issue highlighted in the wiki page.  We're planning 
>> to adopt a centralized revocation list model for CA certificates, which 
>> we're calling OneCRL.  (Conceptually similar to Chrome's CRLsets.)  In 
>> addition to covering CA certifcates, we're also considering covering some 
>> end-entity (EE) certificates with OneCRL too.  But there are some drawbacks 
>> to this approach, so it's not certain that we will include this in the final 
>> plan.  Feedback on this point would be especially valuable.
>> Thanks a lot,
>> --Richard
>> [1] https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA:ImprovingRevocation
>> [2] https://www.imperialviolet.org/2012/02/05/crlsets.html
> -- 
> Rob Stradling
> Senior Research & Development Scientist
> COMODO - Creating Trust Online

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