----- Original Message -----
From: "Stefan Bodewig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 5:50 PM
> > * In the code of the War.java task, the lib attribute is defined as
> > a ZipFileSet.  In the documentation, the same lib attribute is
> > defined as a FileSet.  Should we fix the code or the documentation
> > of the War task ?
> Which documentation?
I meant the ant manual page under docs/manual/CoreTasks/war.html
Nested elements

The nested lib element specifies a FileSet. All files included in this
fileset will end up in the WEB-INF/lib directory of the war file.
> We don't tell people that <lib> is a zipfileset because they may get
> confused when they try to use the prefix attribute then.  It must be a
> zipfileset, so that it can get mapped to prefix="/WEB-INF/lib".
What about changing the method signature of War#addLib  from
addLib(ZipFileSet fs) to addLib(FileSet fs) ?
This would also require changing the access of ZipFileSet#ZipFileSet(FileSet
fs) from protected to public too.

> >   c) or write in WHATSNEW something like : - only references to
> >   zipfileset(s) are accepted by tasks using zipfileset(s) as
> >   attributes or nested elements.

> Is this really new?

Yes this is new, it was possible to do <fileset ... id="xyz"/>
    <lib refid="xyz"/>

before I did my changes.



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