We've recently integrated Jepp (http://jepp.sourceforge.net/) into our
use of Ant via the BSF engine. This is very useful because we use Python
for scripting quite a lot and it allows Python code to be used in full
while also allowing access to Java objects.
This has resulted in a Java OOM error, which I suspect is due to this
integration change. There is a comment in the Jepp usage instructions
that close() must be called on the Jep objects. This is done inside the
terminate() method of the BSFJepEngine, which is called by the
BSFManager on all engines. However I cannot see anywhere where
BSFManager.terminate() is called inside ScriptRunner or elsewhere inside
Ant. Should terminate() be called by ScriptRunner(), perhaps in the
finally section in the executeScript method?

Others will be more familiar with the ScriptRunnerXXX classes than me
but in WebTest, its Script task has a keep flag. This might be a useful
concept to have here. Basically the flag allows you to distinguish between
scenarios where you want the binding retained across tasks (and hence
in the scenario above I suspect you don't want terminate() called) and
the case where you want a fresh manager/runner for each run. Again, I
haven't done a complete analysis of what gets called where in Ant at the
moment. Just noting an important use case for WebTest which I know is
in use in the field in many places.

P.S. For those that aren't aware, WebTest is an Ant extension for
testing web applications.

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