On 4/2/06, Bojan Smojver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quoting Garrett Rooney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Well, it can be done for 1.3.x, but it would need to be by adding
> > macros for the NEW names, so the old symbols still exist at link time.
> >  We can't backport such a change to 1.2.x, since it involves adding
> > new symbols.
> I wasn't thinking any of this would be appropriate for 1.2.x anyway.
> As for 1.3.x, does that mean that within major version (1.x) there can
> be no symbol loss at all, although 1.3.x isn't binary compatible with
> 1.2.x?

1.3.x is compatible with 1.2.x in the sense that programs compiled
against 1.2.x must continue to run against 1.3.x.  The reverse is not
true, which is why in minor version number bumps we can add new
functions.  To remove functions (or macros for that matter, although
that's for reasons of compile time compat, not runtime) we need to
bump the major version.

See http://apr.apache.org/versioning.html for details.


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