Bojan Smojver wrote:
Quoting Garrett Rooney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

There's no reason for compat macros, this code has not been released
in any version of APR, so compat is not an issue.

I was referring to renaming all DBD functions actually (including the new ones), so that they follow the naming proper convention (ie. lib_object_subobject_verb). Or is that too much to change at once?

Right - I wasn't being critical of your specific new fn, but just a general
observation.  In the past, we created renames_proposed to collect a list for
review and comment before committing the changes; if you agree with the
syntax _get _set etc, then let's start that list again.

Where you took the naming from - made your choice very consistent.  I was
commenting on the consistency of the libraries as a whole :)


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