Hi all

As part of my MSc project, I've done a new compaction strategy for
Cassandra, called Burst Hour Compaction Strategy. You can find the JIRA
ticket here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-12201

In a nutshell, the background compaction for this strategy is only
triggered during a predefined interval, freeing the resources during other
times of the day. It also tries to make keys unique across all the
SSTables, when these keys that are present in more than a configurable
number of tables. Please check the JIRA ticket for a full description.

The code can be found here: https://github.com/sedulam/CASSANDRA-12201

Please let me know what you think, or improvements that can be done (some
ideas are in the ticket description). Since I'm new to Cassandra, I imagine
that a lot of assumptions might not be the best, e.g. 100MB for the maximum
table size.

I'm looking forward to working with this community!

All the best
Pedro Gordo

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