At first glance it seems that we need is to

- shutdown one side
- update the vo
- restart the one side
- shutdown the other side
- restart the other side

Somehow this seems to be too simple. the shutdown elements works in a
generic way while my use case only applies to the virtual router and
not to other providers. In fact the network may have a redundant
virtual router and some other providers for which redundant makes no
sense or that have their only redundancy mechs, right?

On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 10:43 AM, Daan Hoogland <> wrote:
> H,
> I the present code a vr is updates as follows:
>         // 1) Shutdown all the elements and cleanup all the rules.
> Don't allow to shutdown network in intermediate
>         // states - Shutdown and Implementing
>         // 2) Only after all the elements and rules are shutdown
> properly, update the network VO
>         // get updated network
>        // 3) Implement the elements and rules again
>         // 4) if network has been upgraded from a non persistent ntwk
> offering to a persistent ntwk offering,
>         // implement the network if its not already
> This means that for a redundant router vm both sides are brought down
> before upgrade of the db entries is done. This is not acceptable for
> mission critical environments such as our clients at Schuberg Philis
> have. I am to concoct a way around this and will have my sweet time at
> it. I am also willing to share this time with anyone that has thoughts
> and particularly concerns on the issue.
> To get to this point I extracted as much as I could from the
> updateNetwork method in NetworkServiceImpl. The results are in
> hotfix/CLOUDSTACK-7776. I plan to merge this before working on the
> actual fix but after I am convinced that I re-factored it enough and
> as much as possible. Please have a look if you dare to/enjoy it.
> --
> Daan


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