Andreas Hartmann wrote:
> Just one more question for my understanding:
> Lenya 1.4 will probably be released in spring or summer next year.
> We're planning to do a major clean-up of the code base.
> (See also thread "Switch to Cocoon 2.2 for Lenya 1.4-dev" on 
> lenya-dev (the archive seems to be down ATM).)
> Assumed we start development with Cocoon 2.1.* now, would 
> this mean that we will release against the 2.1 branch? It 
> looks like Cocoon 2.2 will really be quite different, so it 
> will probably be hard to upgrade Lenya. Will the 2.1 branch 
> still be supported and maintained in one year?
Yes, I definitly think so - there are many installations of 2.1.x
out there that have to be supported.
Now, 2.2 will be different from 2.1.x in some aspects but it
will be as compatible as possible, which means (in theory at least)
switching from 2.1.x to 2.2 should be fairly easy - recompile
and that's it. Some internals will change and some deprecated things
will go away - so if you're happen to use them, you have to change
your code, but again this should be really simple.


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