Hi Thorsten,

Well I think the suggestion-list content must be served by a different thread. Here is my scenario in a little more detail: I created a patch to make suggestion-lists support on-value-changed events and they seem to work nicely. When debuging the FormInstance class I can see how the "cocoon-ajax-continue" loop is executed every time the fields value changes. Usually the client side suggestion-list javascript should load the result of a cocoon pipeline with the exact name "_cocoon/forms/suggest" into an iframe. This Iframe contains the suggestion-list content. Since my suggestions-lists are context-sensitive (they contain different input for different form-states, I need to get my hands on the FormInstance object of the parent frames pipeline. This was no problem using the code of the SuggestionListGenerator, but when using JavaFlow this doen't work anymore :(

Here the code that puts everything into the continuation (from AbstractContunable sendPageAndWait) FlowHelper.setContextObject(ContextHelper.getObjectModel(context.getAvalonContext()), bizdata);

If I add the following watch expression in the Debugger directly after this, I can see that the FormInstance is there FlowHelper.getContextObject(ContextHelper.getObjectModel(context.getAvalonContext()))

One of my counterparts is (A second JavaFlow ... didn't expect this to work, because of the way getContext is implemented): VarMap bizData = (VarMap) FlowHelper.getContextObject(ContextHelper.getObjectModel(context.getAvalonContext()));

The other one is (A Generator using the ContinuationsManager to lookup a WebContinuation based upon the continuation-id) public void setup(SourceResolver resolver, Map objectModel, String src, Parameters par) throws ProcessingException, SAXException, IOException {
       super.setup(resolver, objectModel, src, par);

       Request req = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(objectModel);

String continuationId = par.getParameter("continuation-id", req.getParameter("continuation-id"));

       // The interpreter id is the sitemap's URI
String interpreterId = SitemapParameters.getLocation(parameters).getURI(); wk = this.contManager.lookupWebContinuation(continuationId, interpreterId);
       if (wk == null || wk.disposed()) {
throw new InvalidContinuationException("Cannot get continuation for suggestion list");

       Continuation continuation = (Continuation) wk.getContinuation();
ContinuationContext context = (ContinuationContext) continuation.getContext(); VarMap bizData = (VarMap) FlowHelper.getContextObject(ContextHelper.getObjectModel(context.getAvalonContext()));

       Form form = (Form) bizData.getMap().get("CocoonFormsInstance");

       if (form == null) {
throw new ProcessingException("No form is attached to the continuation");
unfortunately bizData is null in both cases since there is no "cocoon.flow.context" inside the object-model.

Do I really have to store the form instances in the Session as a workaround? Would really like to avoid this, since I have to do all the housekeeping :( Am I looking up something different? Is the thing the ContinuationManager is returning really the Continuation I want?


Torsten Curdt schrieb:
On 09.05.2007, at 15:56, Christofer Dutz wrote:
I am currently having some problems with JavaFlow and SuggestionLists.
My application used to generate dynamic suggestion lists in the "_cocoon/forms/suggest" pipeline. Unfortunately the FormsGenerator, SuggestionListGenerator, JXGenerator and Transformer and my custom Generator seem to be unable to get the form instance.

I think this might be a result of the way JavaFlow deals with Continuations (GetContext beeing implemented using Thread.currentThread()) as the SuggestionList pipeline is served by a different Thread.
It's been a while and I would have to dig into the code ....but are you sure the other pipeline is served by a different thread?

A known limitation is when you use a continuation in one pipeline and use the cocoon protocol to a pipeline that also provides creates continuations. That aint work as you (atm) only can have one continuation per thread. (Not that complicated to change though)

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