I've prepared the artifacts for the release of Cocoon 3.0.0-alpha-2.
Since it has been more than a year since alpha-1 was released, there are
many improvements and enhancements:

Pipeline API level
. Add generics to the pipeline interface. With additionally introducing
marker interfaces for the component types (SAX, StAX, etc.) this allows
compile time checks if all components have the correct type when
assembling the pipeline
. Use MurmurHash 2.0, a strong hashing algorithm, to implement the
hashCode() method of cache keys.
. Introduce an exception hierarchy for pipeline components
(ProcessingException and SetupException extend both PipelineException).
. Create a separate SAX module that contains all SAX specific classes
. Provide basic component implementations of StAX pipeline components
  (new module: 'cocoon-stax')
. Add a new module 'cocoon-optional' for components that need external
  libraries (i.e. everything that goes beyond JDK5, commons-logging and

New components:
. XMLGenerator (constructors for File, InputStream, String, Node,
SAXBuffer) [cocoon-sax]
. XIncludeTransformer [cocoon-sax]
. SchemaProcessorTransformer [cocoon-sax]
. Add factory methods to o.a.c.sax.component.XMLSerializer to create
properly configured serializers for XML, XHTML and HTML4 [cocoon-sax]
. FOPSerializer [cocoon-optional]
. NekoHTMLGenerator [cocoon-optional]
. BetwixtBeanGenerator [cocoon-optional]

Sitemap level
Only minor changes

Webapplication level
. REST controller (new module: 'cocoon-rest')
. JAX-RS based controllers (JSR 311)
. Automatic conditional GET support for all caching pipelines.
  (ETag and Last-Modified are supported)
. Wicket integration in both ways (new module: 'cocoon-wicket')
. JMX based monitoring: Cache overview, reconfiguration of logging,
  Servlet-Service-Framework overview (new module: 'cocoon-monitoring')
. SSF/Sitemap/Pipeline profiling (new module: 'cocoon-profiling'
. Update to Spring 2.5.6

Find all details at http://cocoon.apache.org/3.0/changes-report.html.

You can find the staged files for all modules (sources, binaries,
javadocs, checksums, gpg signatures) at

SVN tags of all these artifacts can be found at

The general distribution artifacts (tar, zip) are available at


I want to stress again that this is an alpha release. This means that we
are free to change contracts without following any deprecation rules.
See http://cocoon.apache.org/3.0/alpha-warning.html

This majority vote stays open for at least 72 hours. Please cast your votes!

Reinhard Pötz                           Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member                  reinh...@apache.org

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