Reinhard Pötz wrote:
> I've prepared the artifacts for the release of Cocoon 3.0.0-alpha-2.
> Since it has been more than a year since alpha-1 was released, there are
> many improvements and enhancements:
> Pipeline API level
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> . Add generics to the pipeline interface. With additionally introducing
> marker interfaces for the component types (SAX, StAX, etc.) this allows
> compile time checks if all components have the correct type when
> assembling the pipeline
> . Use MurmurHash 2.0, a strong hashing algorithm, to implement the
> hashCode() method of cache keys.
> . Introduce an exception hierarchy for pipeline components
> (ProcessingException and SetupException extend both PipelineException).
> . Create a separate SAX module that contains all SAX specific classes
> . Provide basic component implementations of StAX pipeline components
>   (new module: 'cocoon-stax')
> . Add a new module 'cocoon-optional' for components that need external
>   libraries (i.e. everything that goes beyond JDK5, commons-logging and
>   cocoon-sax)
> New components:
> . XMLGenerator (constructors for File, InputStream, String, Node,
> SAXBuffer) [cocoon-sax]
> . XIncludeTransformer [cocoon-sax]
> . SchemaProcessorTransformer [cocoon-sax]
> . Add factory methods to o.a.c.sax.component.XMLSerializer to create
> properly configured serializers for XML, XHTML and HTML4 [cocoon-sax]
> . FOPSerializer [cocoon-optional]
> . NekoHTMLGenerator [cocoon-optional]
> . BetwixtBeanGenerator [cocoon-optional]
> Sitemap level
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Only minor changes
> Webapplication level
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> . REST controller (new module: 'cocoon-rest')
> . JAX-RS based controllers (JSR 311)
> . Automatic conditional GET support for all caching pipelines.
>   (ETag and Last-Modified are supported)
> . Wicket integration in both ways (new module: 'cocoon-wicket')
> . JMX based monitoring: Cache overview, reconfiguration of logging,
>   Servlet-Service-Framework overview (new module: 'cocoon-monitoring')
> . SSF/Sitemap/Pipeline profiling (new module: 'cocoon-profiling'
> . Update to Spring 2.5.6
> Find all details at
> You can find the staged files for all modules (sources, binaries,
> javadocs, checksums, gpg signatures) at
> SVN tags of all these artifacts can be found at
> The general distribution artifacts (tar, zip) are available at
> I want to stress again that this is an alpha release. This means that we
> are free to change contracts without following any deprecation rules.
> See
> This majority vote stays open for at least 72 hours. Please cast your votes!


Reinhard Pötz                           Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member        

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