----- Mail original -----
> Hello.

Hi Gilles,

> Finding myself repeatedly writing the same few lines when trying to
> figure
> out which of several implementations of some functionality was
> running
> faster, I wonder wether it would be interesting to add a little
> utility in
> the "test" section of the source tree. Something like the following:
> ---CUT---
>     /**
>      * Timing.
>      *
>      * @param repeatChunk Each timing measurement will done done for
>      that
>      * number of repeats of the code.
>      * @param repeatStat Timing will be averaged over that number of
>      runs.
>      * @param methods Code being timed.
>      * @return for each of the given {@code methods}, the averaged
>      time (in
>      * milliseconds) taken by a call to {@code run}.
>      */
>     public static double[] time(int repeatChunk,
>                                 int repeatStat,
>                                 Runnable ... methods) {
>         final int numMethods = methods.length;
>         final double[][] times = new double[numMethods][repeatStat];
>         long time;
>         for (int k = 0; k < repeatStat; k++) {
>             for (int j = 0; j < numMethods; j++) {
>                 Runnable r = methods[j];
>                 time = System.nanoTime();
>                 for (int i = 0; i < repeatChunk; i++) {
>                     r.run();
>                 }
>                 times[j][k] = (System.nanoTime() - time) *
>                 NANO_TO_MILLI;
>             }
>         }
>         final MultivariateRealFunction acc =
>         FunctionUtils.collector(new Add(), 0);
>         final double[] avgTimes = new double[numMethods];
>         final double normFactor = 1d / (repeatStat * repeatChunk);
>         for (int j = 0; j < numMethods; j++) {
>             avgTimes[j] = normFactor * acc.value(times[j]);
>         }
>         return avgTimes;
>     }
> ---CUT---
> The idea is to have "interleaved" calls to the candidate
> implementations, so
> that (hopefully) they will be penalized (or benefit) in the same way
> by what
> the JVM is doing (GC or JIT compilation or ...) while the benchmark
> is
> running.
> Does this make sense?

Could it be merged by the FastMath performance tests Sebb set up ?

best regards,

> Regards,
> Gilles
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