> CheckStyle reports should be checked regularly. Only doing so just before a
> release indeed leads to a lot of tedious work, because coders did not
> respect the basic, agreed on, style.

I guess we are disagreeing here.

> I don't use an IDE, so for me, CheckStyle helps but formatter IDE plugins
> would not. Our mileage do vary but the end-product (clean code) should not.

Then you are probably a vocal minority here.
As long as there is someone that can run a code formatter before a
release that does not matter though.

> As said in another post, you can always disable reports that you find
> unhelpful.

Fair enough. But projects that find it useful could also just add the report :)
We are discussing about what should be the default here.
That said I rather just disable it in the POM that continue with the discussion.

>> The basic code style is like logging - people spent just wait too much
>> time on this.

...because I dont' want to contribute to that time any more.

> The real problem is that some coders do not do their part of the job when
> they commit badly formatted code.
> Those whose spend too much time are the ones who try to clean up the mess
> afterwards.

If you prefer to not use code formatter - that is. But that's your decision.

 Menu > "Format Source Code" > Done.

...plus I am bet there are ways to set up code formatting for vim and
friends - if one wanted to.

> CheckStyle indeed points a finger to the right person, which IMHO helps by
> making this person aware that he should fix it.

And I say - better let's give people the tools and not just point at them.


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