On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 6:32 PM, Phil Steitz <phil.ste...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/24/12 1:13 PM, Gilles Sadowski wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 24, 2012 at 09:27:57AM -0800, Phil Steitz wrote:
>>> On 12/24/12 4:37 AM, Gilles Sadowski wrote:
>>>> Hi.
>>>>> [...]
>>>>> Commons Math can be downloaded from the following page:
>>>>>   http://commons.apache.org/math/download_math.cgi
>>>> I missed that the "mvn commons:download-page" had generated a new
>>>> template page:
>>>>   src/site/xdoc/download_math3.xml
>>>> instead of modifying
>>>>   src/site/xdoc/download_math.xml
>>>> Questions:
>>>> 1. Is the creation of a new template page expected?
>>>> 2. In the affirmative, is it automatically taken into account by the "site"
>>>>    generation? I.e. which of the old and new template will eventually be
>>>>    used to generate the HTML page?
>>>> 3. Should the old template be deleted from SVN?
>>>> 4. Given that I did not notice the creation of the new template, it was not
>>>>    included in the tag, and the download page on the site misses the links
>>>>    to the new release files. How to fix that?
>>> I think I understand what is going on and how to "fix" it, but am
>>> not 100% sure.
>>> I think the root cause of the problem is r1392022 of the [math] pom,
>>> where we changed the commons.component.id property to get correct
>>> osgi bundles created.

Yes, but I think it would have been better to leave the
commons.component.id property unchanged and add a
commons.osgi.symbolicName property to commons math's pom to get what
you wanted for the osgi bundle.


>>> This causes the download plugin to generate
>>> the second template above.  The site plugin does create an html
>>> page, so there are two.  What I don't get is why only one of them
>>> ends up on p.a.o (the "old" one).  In any case, the "new" one has
>>> the wrong name, so this needs to be fixed.
>>> I don't know enough about the download plugin to figure out how to
>>> really fix this.  Here is a temporary hack that should fix things.
>>> 0) Change commons.component.id back to "math" locally in the pom.
>>> 1) Change commons.release.version back to "3.1"
>>> 2) run commons:download
>>> 3) check in the modified template.
>>> 4) generate the site locally
>>> 5) scp just the download page (download_math.html) to
>>> p.a.o/www/commons.apache.org/math
>>> It would probably also work to undo the pom changes after step 3)
>>> and then do a full site build and deploy.
>> Thanks but, hack for hack, I took the more direct route to directly modify
>> the HTML page (which is equivalent to your step 5, IIUC). I hope there
>> aren't any ill side effects...
> That was actually my first thought ;)
>> The rest should be really fixed, i.e. keeping the correct component id and
>> having the plugin generate/modify the correct file.
>> Perhaps, we should open a JIRA report in order not to forget.
> Agreed, but I am not sure if it should be against [math],
> commons-parent or the download plugin.
> It looks like the download plugin and the osgi plugin both use the
> property commons.component.id.  The value of this property ends up
> embedded in the template name - download_xxx.html - that the
> download plugin generates.  This name *must* match download_xxx.cgi
> and the link in site.xml for the download pages to work.  I guess
> one way we can fix this is to rename download_math.cgi (and fix the
> links that point to it elsewhere); but that seems wrong to me.
> Maybe the best approach is to define commons.project.id and have the
> download plugin use that property instead.  What do others think?
> One other question I have is where exactly does download_math.cgi
> come from?  I don't see it generated locally or in svn anywhere.
> Phil
>> Regards (and Merry Christmas!),
>> Gilles
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