
Am I missing something? Why is a linear least squares problem (fitting 
constants of basis functions) being solved using a non-linear least squares 
solver in the first place?

On Jul 17, 2013, at 11:16 AM, Gilles <gil...@harfang.homelinux.org> wrote:

> Hello.
> Constructors of classes in the "o.a.c.m.fitting" are instantiated using
> an (abstract) "MultivariateVectorOptimizer". The only concrete
> implementations of this class are
> * LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer
> * GaussNewtonOptimizer
> [I.e. the API suggests that the Jacobian is not necessary for
> some optimizers but no such (vector) optimizer exists currently.
> Anyways the Jacobian is computed automatically (in inner class
> "CurveFitter.TheoreticalValuesFunction") so that an optimizer
> without derivatives is never necessary...]
> Observing that
> 1. almost all the unit tests for the fitters use an instance of
>    "LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer",
> 2. some comments in the "GaussNewtonOptimizerTest" unit test class makes
>    one wonder when "GaussNewtonOptimizer" should actually be preferred
>    over "LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer",
> I would propose to deprecate the non-default constructors in all fitter
> classes (and let the fitting be transparently performed with an instance
> of "LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer").
> Any objection?
> Regards,
> Gilles
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