On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 5:16 PM, dbrosIus <dbros...@baybroadband.net> wrote:

> Might want to drop commons-date  as well. Want people to use java.time

Or Joda-Time if you're on Java < 8.


> -------- Original message --------
> From: Benedikt Ritter <brit...@apache.org>
> Date: 5/21/17  7:56 PM  (GMT-05:00)
> To: Commons Developers List <dev@commons.apache.org>
> Subject: [LANG] Thoughts about Lang 4.0
> Hi,
> I think the time has come to start thinking about Lang 4.0. A new major
> release is a chance to clean up stuff and get rid of APIs we don’t need
> anymore/don’t want to maintain anymore. Lang has become rather large. It’s
> description still is
> „Lang provides a host of helper utilities for the java.lang API […]"
> When I look at Lang I see a lot of stuff which has nothing to do with the
> java.lang package. I think our aim for 4.0 should be to get back to that
> again. I like the approach we took with math. Splitting a large package
> down into smaller individual components is a good idea. So my proposal is
> to split out more new components from Lang like we did with commons-text
> and deprecate that stuff in lang. Then we can start with Lang 4.0 and
> remove all that stuff.
> Here are some components I think we could extract from Lang:
> - commons-system: a library focused on working with system properties and
> detection of the operation system, system’s architecture and Java version
> - commons-concurrent: a library providing additional abstractions and
> implementations for the java.util.concurrent package
> - commons-reflect: a library which helps working with reflection (where is
> the line to beanutils here?)
> - commons-date: a library which helps working with the java.util.Date and
> java.util.Calendar APIs
> Furthermore I’d remove the o.a.c.lang3.event package. The stuff in
> o.a.c.lang3.math could maybe find a new home in one of the commons-math
> components.
> The o.a.c.lang3.builder package fits into Lang 4.0 but I’d rename it to
> o.a.c.lang4.object (if that’s possible). Further more I’d remove the
> Builder interface.
> The o.a.c.lang3.mutable and o.a.c.lang3.tuple package as well as the
> o.a.c.lang3.exception package can stay as they are.
> Benedikt

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