One of the good reasons for this format (although I have no idea if it
is why it's why it was chosen) is that there are some good statistics
behind pairwise comparison.

On 15 April 2012 05:25, Bob Dionne <> wrote:
> On Apr 14, 2012, at 1:11 PM, Benoit Chesneau wrote:
>> On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 6:30 PM, Bob Dionne
>> <> wrote:
>>> I kind of agree, though I think voting is neat. I'd like to think most of 
>>> these features are influenced by experiences with users in addition to 
>>> internal refactoring concerns and so forth.
>>> It might help for everyone to see the list of features (here's a cleaned up 
>>> version I got from BobN) [1]. As Benoit suggests, we need to 
>>> sort/categorize them first before attaching priorities.
>>> One thing we might think of is the areas they might be grouped in, along 
>>> the line of teams as Jan suggested at the summit.
>> We are actually all agree on the need to have focus points. I still
>> strongly disagree with this idea of team.
> I'm not a big fan of teams either, but willing to go along if enough folks 
> think it can help make for more progress.
>> But yes we should organize
>> the things in different topics.
>>> I'm happy to maintain this list as we drill down into the specifics, 
>>> summarize email threads, and IRC chats. Some of these, .eg. moving metadata 
>>> out of the docs, could easily require a lot of detailed discussion as they 
>>> hit many areas of the code, so we should flesh out the details.
>> I was thinking we could start a wiki and organize things in a table or
>> so . Thoughts?
>> - benoƮt

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