On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 11:47 AM, Michael Hall <mhall...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You can try the snap I built, it's on
> http://people.ubuntu.com/~mhall119/snaps/
> Download it and run "snap install --dangerous couchdb_2.0_amd64.snap"
> (assuming you're on Ubuntu 16.04 or later)

I'll have some people on my team get on that as soon as we have time;
probably after the new year.

> There isn't a generic mechanism for the dpkg->snap migration. You could
> provide tools for that, or just recommend snaps for new installs.

I've got several hundred systems installed in customer datacenters
that need to be upgraded headlessly (we don't typically have any
access to those customer systems, so we give them a self-contained
upgrade package with OS and our product updates that has an install
script that gets run automatically).

I'm more curious about things like:

- Will it Just Work(tm) if we copy the 1.6 .couch files from our old
location in /var/lib/couchdb?
- Can we use ecryptfs for the data dirs? (I'd assume so, but it's not
clear how they get mounted)
- Is it possible to disable automatic updates for snaps?
- Are our Ubuntu 12.04 systems ever going to see CouchDB 2.0?

I realize that some of these questions are more about snaps than
CouchDB.  Sorry.  :/

> I would encourage having people test the snap in production-like
> environments for a while first. I used a very basic configuration and
> there might need to be more work done to allow it to work for all use
> cases. The Snap technology is stable enough for production use, but I'd
> like to see each individual app tested thoroughly before telling people
> to replace their existing package installs.

Okay, it sounds like there are no known issues preventing it from
possibly being production ready. We'd certainly put the system through
the paces of our release testing process before deployment.


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