peter royal wrote:
On Nov 1, 2006, at 4:50 AM, Alex Karasulu wrote:
What branch would this be?

probably 1.2

What would be the first release of this be?

probably 1.1

Great this makes lots of sense. There certainly will be no confusion if we take this route.

(and both are probably's since no action has happened yet :)

Asking because we have to avoid confusion with the 1.0.x releases.

understandable.. plan was to bump the minor number in accordance with current policy.

Cool I was thinking of creating a mina-core-nobackport-1.0.x which would not be as good as what you have mentioned here with 1.1 and 1.2.

just to re-iterate, the only "big" change would be to use java5, the external API will be source compatible with the 1.0 release. the goal being to give users of 1.0 that also use java5 a java5-optimized build, without having to wait for whatever version the trunk will be, as it has gone down the path of some incompatible API changes (which are fine, just means it will take longer to reach stability and get a release).

Thanks for bearing with me as I tried to understand this.



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