On 08/31/2010 04:49 PM, mcasan...@instituto-hispano.org wrote:
Thank you Drew for the information. This is consistent with my recent
research. I would like to confirm with you that the query you sent uses
the syntax understood by Base/HSQL

To get both docotors and the patient into a result set you need to use a
query such as

        "Medical Doctor"."Surname" AS "Doctor",
        "Patient"."Surname" AS "Patient"
FROM { OJ "Medical Doctor" LEFT OUTER JOIN "Patient" ON "Medical
Doctor"."ID Number" = "Patient"."Medical Doctor ID" }

more later..

I would guess that OJ means "Outer Join" and that it is not by chance that
you are using the key words "LEFT OUTER JOIN" and that "Medical
Doctor"."ID Number" is at the left of the clause.

Ah - well.

Base uses ODBC compliant naming for Outer Joins. This specification requires
'{oj' to initiate the outer join part of the statment and '}' to end it.

So, it is not just the oj but the curly bracket { and oj taken as a whole that is required.

This is for all intent an purpose the same for JDBC connections.

When the Base query designer is used to create an outer join query this ODBC/JDBC naming convention is used - when doing so by hand, and the backend supports it, one can drop this {oj. But that is not not something that makes much sense any more, as all, that I know of anyway, database servers now recognize the {oj marker.


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