Thanks for the research and feedback. It seems those elements have been added 
to the dtd, but without the corresponding changes to the skinning 
transformations. I’ll have a look at that.


> 25. nov. 2015 kl. 00:11 skrev David Crossley <>:
> I did some net archaeology:
> This was initially added to document-v11 DTD around 2003-03-20,
> i gather as part of the alignment with xhtml at the time.
> Soon after, the DTD changes since Forrest-0.4 were removed
> and the new document-v12 was commenced in CVS on 2003-04-24:
> which did contain a comment about it.
> The comment is also listed at the end of our example documents, e.g.:
> viz:
> "doc-v12 enhances doc-v11 by relaxing various restrictions that were found to 
> be unnecessary.
> * Links ((link|jump|fork) and inline elements (br|img|icon|acronym) are 
> allowed inside title.
> * ..."
> -David
> Sjur Moshagen wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I just noticed a discrepancy between the dtd and the actual rendering in the 
>> default (and possibly all) skins for the title element. The DTD says:
>> title
>> Element name title
>> Content model        ( #PCDATA | strong | em | code | sub | sup | a | br | 
>> img | icon | acronym | map ) *
>> Attributes   
>> id           type: ID
>> class                type: CDATA
>> xml:lang             type: NMTOKEN
>> Used inside  header | section
>> I then tried to add an img element inside title, but it is removed during 
>> the transformations to html. It is there in the intermediate xml:
>> <title>
>> <icon src="images/Beta-Stamp.png" height="30"/>
>> OSX
>> </title>
>> Question:
>> Does this mean that it never has been added to the html rendering (ie 
>> various skins/default html transform), or that it really should not be part 
>> of the content model for the title element? The same question is valid also 
>> for the remaining title subelements.
>> Grateful for feedback.
>> Sjur