Hi Philipp,

Thanks for your light speed answer :)

I didn't answer immediately, because I wanted to experiment first.

Le 4 mars 10 à 14:42, Philipp Lohmann a écrit :

On 3/4/10 2:34 PM, eric b wrote:

I'd like to implement a feature into the Tools -> Options dialog (
svx/source/cui/treeopt.* connected to optgdlg.* )


What is the right way to achieve that ? More precisely, what type if
image use ? ( ImageButton ? Image ? other ? ) .. and shall I implement
the drawing, and the rendering myself ? (that's what I saw in

Actually that's not what you saw, the ImageButtons in backingwindow.cxx are regular image buttons.


The BitmapEx drawn there is the background for the window, not the buttons.

Yes, I know (I did a complete relayout in the start center, to learn its foundations)

I'd say, yes, use an ImageButton.

I did :)

Add the necessary png files to default_images in the appropriate directory (probably svx/res or nowadays cui/res).

Was done since a while : if I'm not too wrong, the name of the .png is in the .src, and when the .src are parsed, e.g. in svx, an svx $LOCALE.ilst (for image list ?) is created in the unx..pro, and delivered.

At the end, the .zip is created in the packimage and the .png exists.

Currently I added two .png: one is padlock_open.png and the second is obviously padlock_closed.png (or a name close to that), and both are found.

The load the images from a resource file; actually for this you can take backingwindow.cxx as an Example.

What I did :

1) in .src

declare a color mask :

#define MASKCOLOR  MaskColor = \
        Color { Red = 0xFFFF ; Green = 0x0000 ; Blue = 0xFFFF ; };

2) in the modaldialog, I added two ImageButton entries : one for every .png

e.g. :

        ImageButton IMAGE_PADLOCK_OPEN
            Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( (COL_3 + COL_4 )/2 + 5, ROW_3 - 20 ) ;
            Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 16 , 16 ) ;
            TabStop = TRUE ;
            QuickHelpText [ en-US ] = "Click to lock" ;
            QuickHelpText [ fr ] = "Cliquer pour verrouiller" ;
            ButtonImage = Image
                ImageBitmap = Bitmap
                    File = "Padlock1_open.png";

In treeopt.cxx, I added in the INI_LIST ( used in the OfaTreeOptionsDialog ctor), the following initilization: aPadlockImageButton ( this, SVX_RES ( IMAGE_PADLOCK_OPEN ) ),\

+ I added the method loadImage() implemented as : void OfaTreeOptionsDialog::loadImage( const ResId& i_rId, ImageButton& i_rButton )

On that ImageButton you can use SetModeImage to set the image to be displayed (which you should change when transitioning between locked/unlocked state).

Indeed, I used the same code, and it works, but not completely. The problem I got, is only one image is shown, means only the one initialized in the Ctor.

As you noticed, I initialized the imagebutton with the open paclock. It works well, but the closed padlock can never be displayed. Instead I got a transparent button, but no image.

What did I forget ?

For example, when I unlock/lock the padlock, I use the following action -see the code below- (after a click on the ImageButton), where IsPadlockLocked() is a method from the aOfMiscTabPage using itself an SfxPasswordDialog. :

IMPL_LINK( OfaTreeOptionsDialog, PadlockHdl_Impl, ImageButton *, EMPTYARG )
    if ( pCurrentPageEntry && aTreeLB.GetParent( pCurrentPageEntry ) )
OptionsPageInfo* pPageInfo = (OptionsPageInfo *) pCurrentPageEntry->GetUserData();
        if ( pPageInfo->m_pPage )
            if ( ( OFA_TP_MISC == pPageInfo->m_nPageId ) )
OfaMiscTabPage * pOfaMiscTabPage = (OfaMiscTabPage *)pPageInfo->m_pPage;

                if ( pOfaMiscTabPage )
bool bIsLocked = pOfaMiscTabPage->IsPadlockLocked ();
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stdout, "pOfaMiscTabPage = (OfaMiscTabPage *)pPageInfo->m_pPage , bIsLocked == %d \n", bIsLocked);
                    if ( bIsLocked )
loadImage( SVX_RES( IMAGE_PADLOCK_CLOSED ), aPadlockImageButton );
loadImage( SVX_RES( IMAGE_PADLOCK_OPEN ), aPadlockImageButton );
    return 0;

My questions :

- shall I create and instantiate 2 ImageButton and Hide() / Show() them instead of just loadImage() them ? - is there a method I missed to change the image with the new one locking, unlocking the padlock ?

Thanks in advance :)

Just my 2 cents, pl

As usual, this helped me a lot :)

Kind regards,


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