On Sun, 3 Feb 2002, Ian Holsman wrote:

> > While I'm not on the "showstopper" bandwagon, I'm wondering what the
> > chances are of getting some packaging issues* handled in a 2.0.32
> > before somebody destabilizes the codebase.
> I was thinking about this. seeing how noone likes the idea of retagging
> the 2 files to .31.
> I was going to propose that v.32 == v.31 +binbuild.sh and the assert
> fix. otherwise they go in the 'README.FIRST' file
> and we just go straight to beta with that, as that is what daedalus is
> running and everyseems ok with v31, and the 2 patches anyway

And the Netware fix, perhaps?

That's fine with me.  I was just saying if _all_ we were going to do was
the assert fix, it wasn't necessary.  But if we want the binbuild.sh and
Netware patches in a beta as well, v32 sounds reasonable.n


   Cliff Woolley
   Charlottesville, VA

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