Paul Querna wrote:

Is there any reason to keep libpcre in the httpd tree?

I believe we should use the PCRE installed on the system. If its not on the system, the user can install it. There are several bugs from 3rd party modules that also try to use pcre, and get conflicting symbols because of the version embedded within apache 2.0.

No comments in a week, and Ill start taking it out.

-Paul Querna

About two years ago, I made some performance optimizations to the copy of pcre
in the httpd-2.0 tree. I submitted the diffs to the pcre maintainer, but I don't know
if they've made it into a subsequent pcre release. The changes, as I recall, were to
remove some mallocs/frees in the regexec function. They may or may not still be
needed with newer versions of pcre, if the pcre code has changed substantially
since then.


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