Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
On 4/21/06, William A. Rowe, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You are right that we don't update *all* the copyrights, nobody debated that.
We had a simple (too simple) search of touched files to refresh copyright, and
I have no issue if we should undo that and selectively update copyrights on the
significantly changed elements of the work.

Good - because that's all that I based my -1 on for 2.0.57.  -- justin

And the weight of this issue doesn't even merit reconsidering a reroll for
2.0.57 tarball given the host of other copyright/license issues raised in this
thread.  So I'm asking you directly, is this a vote -1 for release?  Or are you
vetoing the copyright commit to 2.0.57?  The distinction is important for the
RM to consider.

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