On 3/16/07, William A. Rowe, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nope - it won't.  Where does z/OS define the crypt() prototype?

<unistd.h> is the common place, z/OS or not.


Apparently crypt_r() is often defined in <crypt.h> but not in <unistd.h>.

The correct patch is to ask APR_HAS_CRYPT (which we need to provide
by patching apr, if we don't already.)

APR doesn't pretend to figure out for APR apps exactly what the system
provides, though there is currently a spotty set of APR_HAS_foo.

Meanwhile, httpd goes and searches on its own for things APR doesn't
tell anyone about.  I'm curious about other opinions on whether or not
it is APR's job to tell what is available.

(Sometimes I long for something like an apr-bootstrap component which
owns the job of figuring out the characteristics of a system, and
exports that information to all comers using its own namespace.  APR
or other apps/libraries then can use the information.  So the very
essence of this component is to make that type of information
available, and the odd inconsistency of what APR exports or doesn't is
no more.)

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