Akins, Brian wrote:

My opinion (which is worthless, I know) is to pick one way and do it.  Lua
is easy to learn and satisfies most (all?) of our requirements.  And if
Brian M. and I can learn it, anyone can ;)

The trouble is, if I want to solve problem A ("configure the server"), and I find out that before I can solve problem A ("configure the server") I need to first solve problem B ("learn a new language"), that is a big incentive to just ignore the new server and stick with httpd v2.

It makes no difference in the world how "easy" Lua is to learn, "no learning required" will always beat "easy to learn" hands down every single time.

The Apache config already supports the concepts of a "global" config, and a per-request config (.htaccess), these basic things could easily form the building blocks of a pluggable config mechanism, in whatever language you like.


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