> Sergey wrote...
> That's new to me that browsers don't cache stuff that has Vary only on 
> Accept-Encoding - can you post some statistics or describe the test you ran?

Test results and statistics...

Apache DEV forum...

apache-modgzip forum...

Etc, etc. Lots of discussion about this has taken place over
on the SQUID forums as well.

> As for *all* content types, I don't think we're talking about compressing 
> images 
> and it's relatively easy to create a white-list to have gzip on for by 
> default.

Apache's own mod_deflate docs show how to exclude images.
That's a no-brainer.
It's the OTHER mime types that get hairy.

> The question regarding support in browsers actually is very serious too and 
> I'd love 
> to see statistics for that too - it sounds too scary and middle-ages to me.

You must be new to this sort of thing.
See links above and read the MANY related threads on the SQUID forum.

> I didn't get this impression from all the talks about gzip and research 
> that guys from Google did, for example, when they were looking for a source 
> of 
> lower gzip rates (it turned out to be antivirus software stripping 
> Accept-encoding headers).

I think I know the Google R/D you are referring to and it was almost a joke.
There was a LOT of research they did NOT do and they made many assumptions
that are simply NOT TRUE in the REAL WORLD.

> Thank you,
> Sergey

You're welcome


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