On Thursday 03 June 2010, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
> On 6/3/2010 11:58 AM, Stefan Fritsch wrote:
> > I definitely want to have the per-module/per-dir loglevel config
> > in 2.4. I think it's working well enough to be commited to
> > trunk. We can work out the remaining issues there. Unless
> > somebody disagrees, I am going to commit.
> I'm still uncomfortable with the new manditory per-every-source
> file macros.

Please look at my mail from 1 hour ago. With the latest change, the 
macros are no longer mandatory. Not using them will just lead to
the default (i.e. not per-module) loglevel being used for that file.

> Not enough to vote against (more like -.05), if you
> are willing to find two more to +1 the proposed patch as it
> stands.
> Because it is VERY intrusive, commit-before review is
> inappropriate.

On the one hand, I understand that. On the other hand, there seem to 
be very few people who have enough time to review the patch. It would 
be a pity if it was not included in 2.4 just for this reason. And 
quite a few people who I have spoken with at Wicklow have expressed 
interest in the functionality.

How were such large changes handled in the past, like the AAA 
refactoring from 2.2 to 2.3?

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