On 11/11/2011 1:47 PM, André Malo wrote:
* William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:

Stealing a plan executed by Colm for 1.3, I'd like to propose that
we set a two week window following committers' return-from-ApacheCon
to execute any backports "of general interest" and apply important
fixes/backports to pregsub allocation and non-absolute uri parsing.

On approval of this plan, I would offer to introduce the EOL notices
(as we ultimately committed to 1.3), tag and roll 2.0.65 on Nov 26th
and we would potentially approve and release 2.0 'final' this month.

I'd prefer a "security only from now on" announcement / warning first, and
keep it that way about another year or so. I don't think the users of 2.0
are actually prepared for a statement like "support is gone now, effective

We can put a statement into the docs similar to 1.3 (this time automated...)

So isn't it enough to say that "The project will choose to publish
further releases only for significant security fixes, or will choose
instead to publish patches for less significant security fixes for
12 months from the date of this final release.  From December 2012,
no further security patches or releases should be expected for the
2.0.x release family."?

More useful here to tweak the message than the plan, no?

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