On 23.08.2012 03:16, Jeff Trawick wrote:
On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 3:25 PM, William A. Rowe Jr.
<wr...@rowe-clan.net> wrote:
Candidate binaries are available from http://httpd.apache.org/dev/dist/ -
these do not yet constitute ASF releases.  Win32 specific artifacts
(x86 binary distribution and -win32-src.zip) will follow sometime later
this evening.

Feedback and edits to the draft announcement are greatly appreciated,
since we need to better position 2.2 as 'just maintenance' and we can
drop some of the 'shiny new' bits of that Announcement text, given that
it is old hat now, and they should be reading the 2.4 Announce (which
this document now links to).

So, for your consideration, a vote...

[+1]  Release httpd 2.2.23 as GA

I get this testing both 2.2.22 and 2.2.23 on Linux 64-bit:

# Failed test 2 in t/security/CVE-2008-2364.t at line 19
# Failed test 3 in t/security/CVE-2008-2364.t at line 22

Me too, but these happen for me only when I use a very recent Perl. The tests fail, because the Perl client reads status 100 instead of 200 resp. 502. Checking our logs indicates we did send the right status codes. So this seems to be a test framework problem (and as you already stated not a regression).



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