Hi Daniel,
Am 04.10.2012 15:05, schrieb Daniel Gruno:
Do we need to call a vote on this, or will all the pluses, that have
been flying around in the thread, suffice? There seems to be an
overwhelming majority supporting the use of
I dont think that we need a vote; I count at least 4 committers:
Eric, Rainer, Joe, and me
+ 2 other non-binding votes for pb3;
and 1 vote from Nick for pb2; this would usually make a vote pass - so go ahead and commit the pb3 one to the 2.4.x branch, together with the refreshed ones + svg which you committed to trunk; and if you have more mood for this then would be cool if you would commit to trunk one with 2.5 as version ... - just for those living at the leading edge ... ;-)

thanks also from me for your effort!


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