Hi folks,

At ApacheCon I discussed with the few httpd and Infra folks
that it would be a Really Good Idea to have, once again, an
MSI build for Windows.

Of course we shouldn't be satisfied with the same arduous
release process as we had for 2.2 - and instead strive to
automate it!

I have opened an INFRA ticket


to setup a Windows Server VM/buildbot - and am now looking for
volunteers to step forward. - Just raise your hand here and
update the the above ticket with your Apache ID. (Yes, you need
to be a committer already)

You'll get a login on the machine once it's setup and can fiddle
around and poke until you make it work - out of the box.


Igor Galić

Tel: +43 (0) 664 886 22 883
Mail: i.ga...@brainsware.org
URL: http://brainsware.org/
GPG: 6880 4155 74BD FD7C B515  2EA5 4B1D 9E08 A097 C9AE

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