On 12/14/2012 09:34 PM, Gregg Smith wrote:
> Evidently an unused variable.
> .\lua_request.c(227) : warning C4101: 'z' : unreferenced local variable
> On the Windows side of things;
> lua_apr.c in use all over are uint32_t and we do not have uint32_t
> available. apr_uint32_t works well.
> Then there is;
> .\lua_apr.c(567) : error C2440: 'function' : cannot convert from
> 'apr_os_thread_t' to 'lua_Number'
> In scoreboard.h, tms is declared if HAVE_TIMES is defined. I assume that
> is sys/times.h which we do not seem to have.
> It seems there may be an APR alternative to this that I saw in
> modules\dav\fs\repos.c which may or may not be usable here or Windows
> will just have to go without these if possible.
> .\lua_apr.c(575) : error C2039: 'times' : is not a member of 'worker_score'
>         c:\build4\httpd-head-r1421953\include\scoreboard.h(90) : see
> declaration of 'worker_score'
> .\lua_apr.c(579) : error C2039: 'times' : is not a member of 'worker_score'
>         c:\build4\httpd-head-r1421953\include\scoreboard.h(90) : see
> declaration of 'worker_score'
> Regards,
> Gregg
Bloody Windows ;) But thanks a ton for your help, Gregg :)
I have added an #ifdef for the tms stuff, as I saw mod_status did the
same. If there is another way of making it work, I will change it as
soon as I find a proper way to deal with it.

With regards,

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